I grew up on the ocean in south Florida and the Caribbean. I was seven the first time I bow rode (held on to the bowrail on my mom's 42' Chris Craft and hung my feet over as we made way) through Hillsboro Inlet into the open sea. We were only a few moments past the inlet markers when beneath my dangling feet appeared dolphins riding on each side of the bow of the boat and delighting my little sister and I. I still remember that first time. Later, as we grew, we would go out to sea on mom's boat a mile or so and cut the engines, put on mask, fins and take a scrub brush to clean the hull of the boat. I swam with dolphins all of my young life and up to the last time I owned a boat... I was in my 30's. Friends and family know how I feel about capturing dolphins to swim with. I swear this is not a plea in those (urgent) animal rights.... THIS IS A PLEA TO SAVE THE LIFE OF PORPOISES HELD IN CAPTURE TO 'SWIM WITH THE DOLPHINS' AS THE GULF OIL SPILL FILLS THE BASIN COASTLINE OF FLORIDA. It isn't a political statement or argument.
These are my friends. I love them. Please don't let them be caught in the vaporous, often seawater invisible poison of the BP oil spill. They are my friends. Don't let them die. They were my childhood friends, they are my friends all my life... please, please, if you own a business that trades in dolphin swimming events, please release them so they will have a chance to leave the area.
Each day now more than 70,000 barrels of crude oil despoil the Gulf of Mexico. The same Gulf of Mexico basin of the west coast of Florida, where several 'swim with the dolphins' businesses exist. Please, please... let them live. Give them their freedom.
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