Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lois Frankel, Rick Scott & the downbound GOP train.

Lois Frankel was the controversial mayor of West Palm Beach for two consecutive terms of office.  I like what she did to downtown.  I realize there are quibbles about how she accomplished it... yet, I have to say, it takes a strong set of ovaries to accomplish any motion in today's version of city, state, nation building.  I double dog dare ya to take issue with that statement.  It's a fact, jack.  So, out of a job and looking into the next thing, Ms. Frankel has announced:

I'm all for removing Alan West from any public office.  I tend not to look at candidates, any longer, as Democratic or Republican... as mom used to say.... I'm looking for the right person, period!  So, when she opens her office for the election... I'll be over to see what's up.  I highly recommend it to all.

Ok, so onward but not necessarily upwards, in fact the judge says it's all sliding backwards!  A ruling on new Rethug Gov Rick Scott:
{The federal judge presiding over a contentious Everglades restoration lawsuit took a swipe at Gov. Rick Scott's water quality policy Tuesday and announced his intention to strip to Florida environmental regulators of their role in enforcing the Clean Water Act and return those powers to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
U.S. District Judge Alan S. Gold issued a harsh, 117-page ruling to clarify the scathing 48-page ruling he issued in April 2010, in which he accused the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Florida Department of Environmental Protection and South Florida Water Management District of failing to enforce the Clean Water Act.
Gold's ruling was the latest action in a 2004 lawsuit filed by the Miccosukee Indians, who live in the Everglades, and the non-profit Friends of the Everglades, Both are pressing the state and federal governments to enforce the law and move ahead with the restoration.
The case is on appeal to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. However, Gold said if the appeals court sends the case back to his court, he will strip the state DEP of its authority to issue permits under the Clean Water Act and turn over those responsibilities in Florida to the federal environmental agency. Normally, the EPA delegates enforcement to the state agency.} - Palm Beach Post read it
The judge has a point, Repulitards have peopled the agency in the last few years and they have found no great value in protecting the water tables, land rights or recovery of the Everglades.  A corporate cuckhold is what remains.  Like the other Rethug Gov's elected in 2010, Scott, in January, suspended all rule-making by state agencies, would likely hamper the state environmental agency's ability to create rules to enforce water quality standards. His recent instructions to the DEP to petition the EPA to rescind its limits on nutrients in Florida waters - basically limits on how much phosphorus, mostly from farm runoff, is allowed in Florida waters.
Gold noted an executive order signed by Scott in January, which suspends all rule-making by state agencies, would likely hamper the state environmental agency's ability to create rules to enforce water quality standards.
Also troubling is a recent proposal to cut $100 million from the district's budget and the retirement of Carol Wehle, the district's executive director, and Peter Silva, a top EPA water administrator, Gold wrote. "Simply stated, the entire situation is rapidly sliding backward."
The judge's vow to severely cut the DEP's power pleased environmentalists.

So there you go.

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